Word of the week # 2

Brabble (ˈbra-bəl)

According to http://dictionary.reference.com, brabble means “to argue stubbornly about trifles; wrangle”, as a verb,  or “noisy, quarrelsome chatter,” as a noun. 
Merriam Webster defines brabble as synonym to squabble –  “a noisy altercation or quarrel usually over petty matter.”

Word of the week # 1

And here it is: the promised feature LOL
Here’s an interesting word I found.

Aeruginous (ɪˈruːdʒɪnəs) 

According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, aeruginous means having the characteristics of or the color of verdigri.
The word originates from the Latin aeruginosus, which is also an adjectives, that derives from the noun aerugo, – aes = copper.

Photo from Flickr

Writing Prompt #1

Hello, friends, this is my first writing prompt. I wrote it while drinking my coffee, thus the inspiration.
Fill in the blanks with something that inspires you, obviously. Hope this prompt helped you get rid of writer’s block XD

 You’re drinking your customary morning coffee and reading a new book, like you do every morning. But, suddenly, you’re interrupted by a knock on your window. You get up, look out the window, but there’s no one there. 
As soon as you pick up your book, the knocking starts again.
Irritated, you get up, open the window, and scream “Who the hell is playing pranks?”
But, to your utmost surprise, you discover …

My first blog hop

My first blog hop is coming soon. Less Than Three Press is turning four.
 I’m so, but nervous and a bit worried, all at the same time. I feel like I shouldn’t really join since I haven’t published any books with them yet so I have no fan base and I kinda feel like an intruder you know, like how a straight girl feels when entering a gay bar? (OMG I ramble so much when I’m stressed out) Sadly, there are no gay bars in my town, but I can easily imagine the feeling.
Anyway, if I have enough comments (more than 10) on my post, I might just find something interesting to give away 😛 So, I’m anxiously waiting for your comments XD Please keep an eye on this blog. Pretty please!

Updates and new blog segments

Hello, everyone!

Hope you’re all okay and had a good weekend.

I want to happily announce that I have two more scenes to revise before I pass my manuscript over to my beta for a final look. I’m wondering whether I should search for a second beta for a fresh pair of eyes, but I’m scared it might take too long until I get it back and revise it again.

I have no idea how to do this.

Anyway, another good news is that Talya Andor is organizing an awesome giveaway in celebration of her new release and the book looks absolutely delicious, pun intended. The giveaway lasts till March 17th, so hurry up and join!

As for the new segments I promised in the title, I’ve been thinking – since I have nothing to write about – I’ll introduce a vocabulary segment, which will consist of exploring the labyrinth of English vocabulary. More simply put (:P), I’ll find interesting words and post them here,  and hopefully get used to them enough to use them in my writing. God knows I need more practice with the English language!

Secondly, I’ve thought about a writing prompts segments, ’cause I just love them too much. I’ll post my own picture prompts, title prompts and misc words prompts, and any other kind of prompts that come to mind.
Sounds good?

Still haven’t decided on the blog’s schedule, but I’ll probably write on Thursdays and Fridays or Saturdays. We’ll see.

Have a great week, my dears, and don’t forget to take a lot of vitamins ’cause spring is coming!

It’s spring! Snippet time :P

Hello, friends! It’s the start of a new week and spring has finally arrived. I’m full of hopes and dreams, not so full of energy, but I’m hanging on. Tomorrow I have an examination coming up. I swear i hate my life right now. Just when I want to write the most, real life gets in the way. And when I have too much time on my hands, my muse decides to go on a trip and leave me stranded. Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think? A little too ironic lalalalala Alanis Morissette must have been a clairvoyant. She was talking about me all along (aren’t I teh center of the Universe? Hahahah).
Anyhow, I want to thank you all for following my blog and let you know I have absolutely no idea what to write about. I’m pondering giving writing advice, but I’m too new for that. Giving crocheting lessons would turn this blog into something else entirely, posting pics of my “art” would pretty much do the same and speaking about my life with no reason whatsoever would make this pretty boring. BTW if you have any ideas, feel free to post them below. I’m in need of enlightenment.
So … today I decided to post a snippet from one of my current WIPs, which is halfway done, tentatively titled Perfect Confession or The Perfect Confession (haven’t decided yet which sounds better).
Let me know what you think. Hugs to you all! Hope you have a great week!


“Hey, Gabe, did you see my aloe vera and honey hair mask?”
“Dude, seriously?”
I put my hand on my hips, well aware he was going to laugh at me, but unable to stop the instinctive gesture.
“We’re going away for a week, not for a whole fucking year. What do you need a hair  mask for? Why would you need a manicure set, five towels and three types of face cream for that matter?”
My best friend stopped in his scavenger hunt for his hair drier and looked at me with a pout.
“Don’t be mean! You know I can’t live without my hair mask. It makes my hair soft and shiny. And I only have two types of face cream, for night care and day care. Oh, and I only packed three towels – one for my face cause you never know just how hygienic the hotel towels are, and two more to put over the pillows for the same, completely logical and practical, reason.”
“Fine!” I cried throwing my hands in the air in defeat. “Just hurry up. We’ll miss the plane.”
“Sorry. I swear I started packing two days ago, but I always seem to forget something.”
“Ethan, we’ll just buy another hair mask when we get there, okay?”
“All right. I suppose it doesn’t hurt trying different brands from time to time,” he replied with a sigh, finally zipping his suitcase.
The taxi was already waiting for us at the stairs and we quickly loaded the trunk as we were already late in comparison to when we had planned to leave. I did know what to expect so I intentionally told Ethan the plane was leaving one hour later than it actually was. I felt a bit guilty for that, especially seeing him start to sweat due to the stress. But when he jumped in his seat with a gasp, halfway to the airport, I knew I had made the right choice.
“Oh no! I forgot my jogging shoes!”
Yup, this airhead was my best friend, Ethan. And also the love of my life. Only he didn’t know that yet.