Word of the Week #10

Okay, so this was scheduled for Thursday, but it didn’t work! can someone explain to me how scheduling a post workd in Blogger so my silly brain can understand?

Inselberg (ˈɪns(ə)lbəːg)

Very interesting word.
Merriam-Webser: an isolated mountain.
Oxford Dictionaries: an isolated hill or mountain rising abruptly from a plain.

Notice there’s a slight difference between these two?
After some internet browsing, I’ve reached the conclusion that Oxford’s definition is more precise.
An inselberg is supposed to be a mountain or a hill that pops out of nowhere in the middle of a plain, like an island rising from the middle of the sea. In fact, the word itself pretty much reminds of islands and it seems it comes from  German, meaning”island mountain”. Pretty much like this gorgeous thing (Shiprock, Navajo Nation, New Mexico, USA):

 Photo By Bowie Snodgrass (Shiprock) [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)%5D, via Wikimedia Commons



Yes, I’m alive; everything’s back to normal. My grandpa’s still in the hospital for supervision, but the worst is over.
I managed to read two books in between and made myself some really nice French nails:

I wanted to show you my cute little flower.

But… my photography skills suck 😛

As for writing, Love Rivals isn’t getting good reviews at all (I’m not very surprised actually), but Doctor’s Puppy Love is, and I’m very, very grateful to all the readers. Love you, guys!
Plus I had my first fan mail last month. I wanted to keep this for myself, but I’m way too excited about it. It really boosted my confidence and made me hope for better reviews in the future. Thank you so much, Kati!

 I started on a new WIP. Keeping my fingers crossed to have enough motivation to finish this one, because I really love this MC. It’s a hurt-comfort theme and my boy really deserves a happy ending.

That’s it for today, folks. Leaving you with a nice K-pop song: EXO – Growl. Have a happy week!


Hi, guys!

I’m sorry for going AWOL. As you know, I was sick, and this week my grandfather was admitted at the hospital. we still don’t know what’s wrong with him and they’re submitting him to all sorts of tests. I completely forgot to post on my blog like I normally do, but I’m hoping things will go back to normal from next week onwards.
Please, send a little prayer for my grandpa.
My apologies, again.


Down with a flu

I’m stopping by to say hi and complain I have the flu. The fever’s making me dizzy, but, low and behold, I don’t know why this always happens when I’m sick, my muse is snickering in delight. i wrote for three hours yesterday on a new wip for a LT3 call and I can’t wait to see my beta’s opinion on it. I’m very excited, for now.
Wishing all a great week.

Writing Prompt #9

Your MC has wings, but no one can see them, until one day when he saves a man from being beaten to death. The man takes one look at him and whispers “Angel.” Then, he reaches his hand out and touches the MC’s wings.
What happens next?

Photo By Lamptraveller (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons