Writing Prompt #17

Inspired by the rain outside my window 🙂

Rain is falling outside your window. It’s a freezing night and the silence is eeary. In this deadly silence, you hear a faraway wail. Seconds later, another. And then another. Getting closer and closer to you. What could be happening out there?

I’m a reviewer. Yey!

Hey, guys. Happy Monday!
Not so happy for me, because I’m down with a cold. But other than that, I have great news. Author Caitlin Ricci welcomed me to her team of reviewers on her new site – Read the Rainbow. Here’s my first review: http://readtherainbow.weebly.com/1/post/2014/01/review-scott-sapphire-and-the-emerald-orchid-by-geoffrey-knight.html

There are many more from where that came, so keep your eyes open. If you have a book to review, you can find a segment on the site on how to submit your book. Who knows, you might get the chance to be reviewed by amazing me *cough cough* I’m very happy to be part of this team.
I know being reviewer will help me write better, understand the process of different authors and help improve my critiquing technique. Moreover I will get to discover new authors and new books every day. thank you, Caitlin, for giving me this opportunity.

The second good news is that I managed to finish another story. And it’s free! It’s part of an anthology and I’ll post the link as soon as it’s published. I’m so very excited because I worked along an incredible team of very professional and reliable people and I feel proud to have been part of it.

That’s it for today. You may noticed I posted a new poll. On the last one the voters chose author interviews to the question ‘What you’d like to see on my blog?’, so I’ll do my best to find authors to bring to the blog, although, surprising as it may be, no author answered my call to be interviewed. I guess my blog is too new and uninteresting or my writing sucks too much and they don’t want to be associated with me *sorry about that (>-<)*.

This new poll I posted concerns a work in progress of mine that reached a crossroads. I’m unsure whether to transform the unlikable coworker into a love interest or follow my initial plan of getting my MC back together with his ex who left him when he contracted a mysterious alien illness (the ex, not the MC). I’d really like some opinions on this.

Leaving you with my boy GD’s latest MV (hmmm… hope I didn’t post it before; when it comes to G-Dragon I can’t help myself).

Hugs and kisses,

Writing Prompt #13

You’re a reporter for a science magazine.
Your boss asks you to write an article about a mysterious town that appears on the map, but whose inhabitants no one ever sees. Intrigued, you agree, and  start the journey toward the little town. But when you arrive there, the mystery thickens.
What happens with these inhabitants?
Choose one of the following options:
a) the inhabitants are all monsters and they only get out at night.
b) the inhabitants don’t exist, even though the houses are all there and they are new, the cars exist and they all function, modern appliances are there and so are animals/pets. But there are no humans. Where are they?
c) the inhabitants belong to a secret cult that doesn’t allow contact with outsiders. How will they welcome your MC?
d)the mysterious town is surrounded by an invisible barrier that allows people to get inside, but none to get out (possible time travel, if you wish). Will your hero be able to break free?

Writing Prompt #9

Your MC has wings, but no one can see them, until one day when he saves a man from being beaten to death. The man takes one look at him and whispers “Angel.” Then, he reaches his hand out and touches the MC’s wings.
What happens next?

Photo By Lamptraveller (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons