Free story available for download

Guys, Only you is finally available for download!

You can find it here:


I wanna say a big thank you, not only to my betas, but also to the wonderful people who left comments on Goodreads and reviews. You have no idea how much those meant to me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

Author Promo – M. E. Sanford

Remember, M.E. Sanford, guys? Not long ago, with the occasion of our free anthology release, Hunting Under Covers, I interviewed him regarding his story in the antho. You can find that interview here: 

Interview with author M.E. Sanford

Now Mitchell is back to talk about his latest release, which has an awesome title: The Wind Your Voice, The Rain Your Tears. The title alone makes me crave this story. So, without further ado, I’ll let Mitch tell you about his book himself.

When I came up with the story in The Wind Your Voice, The Rain Your Tears, I had been working 16 hour days in a gas station. When you work in a gas station, there is no filter of customers. Everyone and anyone gets gas, or buys snacks. I knew after some time that somebody would be so hurtful and cruel to me that it would be very painful emotionally. Sure enough, I was left in tears after an incident that directly inspired the interaction between Vinny Shields and Tristan May, my main characters.

But why stop there? I turned that incident into an entire novel. Vinny is very much like I was during the period in which I began writing the book. He is trapped in his life with no drive forward, he grew stagnant. But then he meets Tristan May, the flamboyant gas station attendant that represents that much needed catalyst to inspire Vinny out of his dull life. 

The constant ridicule of his new relationship was something that I came up with during a phase of loneliness. Having lost so many of my closest friends I really felt the need to give someone a person that will appreciate Vinny unconditionally. Thus, the character of Tristan May. There is a lot to the novel, including tragedy and even situations of suicide as I believe mimicking the human condition is one of my greatest inspirations.

I want people to be inspired by the story. And I want them to finish reading feeling that even through all hopelessness there is somebody out there that will be your savior without them even trying. 



The Wind Your Voice, The Rain Your Tears – Blurb:

Small town mechanic Vinny Shields doesn’t have much going for him. He has a girlfriend that seems to chase every man that crosses her path. His father and mother are consistently unimpressed with his lifestyle. And his younger brother just dropped a bombshell that will change the dynamic of his family.

Vinny then meets the flamboyant gas station attendant, Tristan May, and learns more about what it means to love and be loved.

Purchase links:




About M. E. Sanford:

A life long writer and storyteller, M.E. Sanford has always pursued creative careers. One of his passions is writing novels and other short stories.
Just recently he made a major move cross country to pursue a dream that includes publishing his stories that he’s been working on the past several years. An entertainer at heart, M.E. follows the pull of his ambitions and turns his experiences into touching works of literature.

If just one person is touched by his stories he can consider himself a success.

Contact info:

Twitter: @thesleepinggods

Facebook: M.E. Sanford
