Random Monday – inviting all authors to promote on my blog

Hi, lovelies. It’s a new week. I’m feeling super tired and I crave a holiday! Can’t wait fo Christmas to come.

You might have noticed that i made myself a banner (see blog sidebar). Feel free to show it on your blog/site and let me know so I can show yours on mine.
I’m also open for author interviews, book tours and anything else any author might want to share on my blog, including guest posts. You can e-mail me on shayla.mist@gmail.com if you’re interested.

I’ll leave you now with Troublemaker’s new song.

Writing Prompt #13

You’re a reporter for a science magazine.
Your boss asks you to write an article about a mysterious town that appears on the map, but whose inhabitants no one ever sees. Intrigued, you agree, and  start the journey toward the little town. But when you arrive there, the mystery thickens.
What happens with these inhabitants?
Choose one of the following options:
a) the inhabitants are all monsters and they only get out at night.
b) the inhabitants don’t exist, even though the houses are all there and they are new, the cars exist and they all function, modern appliances are there and so are animals/pets. But there are no humans. Where are they?
c) the inhabitants belong to a secret cult that doesn’t allow contact with outsiders. How will they welcome your MC?
d)the mysterious town is surrounded by an invisible barrier that allows people to get inside, but none to get out (possible time travel, if you wish). Will your hero be able to break free?

Word of the Week #13

Oh, how I love number 13! It’s one of my favorites (and I’m not being sarcastic).

Love (ˈləv) 

Ever wondered how this word is defined? Ever been curious to check it out? 
Well, here’s how Merriam Webster defines it:

1. a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person
2. attraction that includes sexual desire : the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship
3. a person you love in a romantic way.

Snippet from my story anyone?

Hi, peeps.
It’s another new day and I have nothing new to say. My life is so boring that even my dog is more interesting than me.
As a result, I’m just gonna share a snippet from my gay Cinderella remake, which I’ve been working on, I think, for almost half a year, maybe even more. It’s a novella; that tells you how much of a procrastinator I am.
Anyway, it’s tentatively called “Oops, I lost my blue suede shoe” Too Elvis-ish? I’m humbly waiting for opinions. Pretty pwease?

Here it is, the beginning of my story:

The room was dark when Eli came home. He hit the couch hard and cursed out loud.  His voice sounded deafening in the empty space, but as soon as he threw his clutch in the direction of the armchair, the room was invaded with light.

“OMG! You’re back!” his roommate shrieked and immediate jumped into his arms

“I lost a Fendi. Fuck me! They were so expensive.”

Eli sighed and fell on the floor, resting his head on the sofa’s cushion. He was so tired he didn’t feel like doing anything right then. But, at the same time, his brain was buzzing like a radio.

“How was it? Why are you back so early? And how the hell did you manage to lose a shoe? Only you could have done that. Tell me everything!” Tanya’s enthusiasm was infectious. Despite his exhaustion, Eli found himself smiling. He took his mask off with a lazy hand and yawned.

“It’s your damn fault. I told you I can’t ride a bike with this fucking dress. It was a friggin’ pain even getting on the bike. Of course I barely noticed losing a shoe. Especially since I was trying my hardest not to get caught.”

“Get caught?” Tanya’s eyes widened. Eli could almost see the wheels turning in her head. With a wicked smile her friend took a cushion and put it underneath her, assuming a position more appropriate for meditation rather than for a gossip session, but that was definitely Tanya’s favorite position for gossiping. “I want details,” she begged, looking at him like an eager puppy. “You’re not getting any sleep before you spill it, mister.”

Eli moaned and pressed his palms together in a silent prayer. Not a chance. The determined look in his best friend’s eyes told him he couldn’t get away without spilling the whole story.

Of course, it had all been Tanya’s fault to begin with. She was the one with the crazy ideas. Several hours ago, in fact the previous evening, since now it was already past midnight, Tanya had stormed into his room with a crazy grin on her face and plunked an envelope, her expression triumphant.
Cliffhanger *kukukuh*
See y’all next week. Hugs and kisses!